Last week in my Vistage CEO meeting, we were fortunate to have Edgar Papke as our guest and speaker. Edgar has an impressive background as an award-winning chef, musician, speaker and leadership consultant.
Edgar gave our CEO group a condensed version of his “The Biggest Elephant” presentation. During the discussion, he asked an interesting leadership question that resonated with many of us. The question, and related follow-on questions, are good ones. They are applicable to our professional careers, volunteer activities and even our personal relationships.
The question is simply: “What is your gift?”
In other words, what is that special gift that you bring – to your company, your co-workers or your volunteer organization. As a follow-on, Edgar asked four clarifying questions:
- What do you do in business that manifests this gift?
- What do you need to stop doing that gets in the way?
- Who do you need to associate with?
- What are your two or three key priorities to accomplish this?
I thought that this was a good series of questions that were worthy of sharing, particularly for those that are reevaluating their current career, stepping into a new leadership role, or considering a sabbatical to recharge and set the course for the future.
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